Tour of Invrse Studios
Hey everyone!
Recently I was able to take a tour of Invrse Studios, so I brought Steve with me and we had a blast talking to the creative team over there, plus we got to play some of their awesome games! Invrse Studios is part of CoMotion Labs at the University of Washington here in Seattle, WA. CoMotion labs is an awesome space that hosts over a dozen creative companies which span from gaming companies, to medical research, and other biotech ventures. To listen to the podcast in which we sit down with Ryan Smith, click here: < ___>
Here are some pictures that we were allowed to take as part of the tour:
We got the chance to wear the “SUBPAC” which is an additional peripheral that provided vibration feedback during game play, making it a more visceral experience. I could definitely see this piece of tech as being a must have for future VR games. They are available for purchase here:

Seeing the evolution of the sniper gun peripheral from basic concept all the up to a massively impressive model was pretty amazing. With every iteration you can see the leaps that were taken, from the duct tape and cardboard model all the way up to the “VR-15” made by the team at VRsenal. If you are really serious about wanting to have the feel of a weighted gun that is strikingly similar to the real deal, you can reach out to the VRsenal team here: VR-15 inquires.
Here are the pictures of the evolution of the model:

The VR-15 is truly an amazing piece of tech, and is for serious gamers who are wanting the most realistic controller for shooting games like “The Nest”. I mean come on, just look at this case! The detail and craftsmanship that was put into this is remarkable.

Along with the peripherals for “The Nest”, we also got to see some additional technology that I am very excited to play, which is a bike that has controls on the handles. I have no idea what types of game this will be used for, but I am on board (or on bike as it where) for this whenever it comes out. This particular bike is made by “VirZoom”, and you can find out more about them from their website:

To sum everything up, Steve and I both had a fantastic time with the Invrse team and it was really great to see how their process works, and the type of ingenuity that they are applying on a daily basis.
You can follow Invrse on Twitter: @Invrsestudios and also make sure to follow CoMotion labs as well: @Comotionlabs
Thanks again to Ryan Smith, Joshua Jonas, and most importantly, Angel Parker, who helped organize this visit. They are all incredible and I cannot wait to see what they come up with next!
Just look at these amazing models I found at the studio. They all happen to be carrying a version of the gun. What a coincidence!