ATR #49: Nostalgia Filter: Good, bad, and ugly childhood movies

On this week’s episode, That Guy Named John is joined in the studio by This Guy Named Steve and Carmen as they discuss the “Nostalgia filter” as it relates to movies from our childhood. They each give a “good”, “bad” and “ugly” film, plus some honorable mentions!

To further explain the topic, a “good” movie is one they watched as a child, or when they were younger, that still holds up now. A “bad” movie is one they liked as a kid that does not really hold up, but they still like it, and finally, an “ugly” movie is something that they liked as a kid that upon watching it again realize it is atrocious. Stay tuned and see if any of your favorites made the list!

Time codes:

0m:00s – 8m:00s: Introduction of the guests and the topic for this week

8m:00s – 14m:10s: Carmen’s “Good” choice has to do with toons and an evil mayor

14m:10s – 20m:10s: Steve’s “Good” choice is a dark, secretive, and creepy cartoon

20m:10s – 27m:35s: John’s “Good” choice exhibits some of the best puppetry work of our generation

27m:35s – 38m:15s: Steve’s “Bad” choice starred the great Orson Welles in one of his last performances

38m:15s – 44m:10s: John’s “Bad” choice deals with robots and racism

44m:10s – 56m:00s: Carmen’s “Bad” choice returns us a magical land with Dorothy and bizarre characters

56m:00s – 1h:01m: John’s “Ugly” choice has unicorns, magic, and a giant red bull (but not the kind that gives you wings)

1h:01m – 1h:13m:Carmen’s “Ugly” choice is all about collectible, disgusting children

1h:13m – 1h:25m: Steve’s “Ugly” choice is about the journey of two brothers who want to play in a video game tournament

1h:25m – 1h:29m: John’s “honorable mention” stars “Puck” and “Mad Martigan”

1h:29m – 1h:32m: Carmen’s “honorable mention” involves a young boy going on a crazy space adventure

1h:32m – 1h:35m: Steve’s “honorable mention” has the same name of a much better comic book

1h:35m – 1h:37m: Another one of John’s “honorable mentions” is about kids and pirate ship, and lost treasure, and it sucks

1h:37m – 1h:41m: Recap and wrap up

A huge thank you to the guests on this episode!
You can find Steve on Twitter: @steveblog,  Instagram: @standinside plus you should check out his work with National Geographic Expeditions at his website:


To find Carmen, hold out a bottle upper middle shelf and/or top shelf tequila and yell “free shots!”, and she will find you. Oh yes, she will find you.

Sponsor info:
A huge thank you to American Music who sponsored this episode! American Music is a locally owned music store with an incredibly experienced staff of musicians who provide their knowledge and expertise in guitars, basses, keyboards, percussion, pro audio, recording, lighting, amplifiers, effects and accessories. It is a store for musicians run by musicians! Check them out at their website: American and also like and follow them here:

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Audio editing services provided by Brandon (@bsmith125) at Vexing Media. Vexing Media is a graphic design, website design, and digital media company. You can find them at their website: or follow them on Twitter @vexingmedia and Facebook: